Rules and Policies at SportsPleX
SportPleX Payment Policy
SportsPleX requires a valid credit card on all team registration forms. The card will only be charged when an account is delinquent in payment. Each session will have a clearly identified “Full Payment Due Date.” If full payment has not been received by the identified date, the credit card will be charged for the payment due as well as a late fee of $35. Team registration fees may be paid by credit card but will be charged a $30 convenience fee. The Team registration deposit of $200 may be charged to the credit card with a convenience fee of $10. If the team deposit is not received prior to the session registration deadline, the credit card will be charged the $200 + $10 convenience fee to validate the registration so the team may be scheduled. Individual registration fees paid by credit card will not incur a convenience fee. SportsPleX has an ATM for the convenience of our guests.
SportsPleX – Referee Payment System
In addition to your team fees all of the teams are responsible for paying the referees before each game can begin. This policy has been instituted to reduce the team registration fee, helping make the up-front cost more affordable. This does not apply to SportsPleX youth recreational games; i.e. Grasshoppers, Kickers, Wings, Passers, High School Coed Rec & Adult Coed Rec.
This same system is currently in place for most outdoor leagues; MVYSA, Dayton Amateur etc. Prior to each game your team’s coach, captain or representative will make direct payment to the game’s assigned referee. The referee will not start a game until payment is received from both teams.
To ensure the referee’s payment, in the case of a forfeit or no show, the credit card on file required with every team registration will be charged the referee fee for both teams. Each team is required to pay the referee cash. In the case of a forfeit or no show, the forfeiting team will be charged the full amount. Cash payments only are accepted, and no prepayments are permitted.
We greatly appreciate your support and understanding of this policy change.
SportPleX Refund Policy
SportsPleX values your business, and we realize unexpected situations occur and/or circumstances change. Should a refund be required after registration:
– A request for refund must be made to SportsPleX or by telephone at 937-878-7270.
– All refunds will be issued to the credit card originally used or by the method of payment used at the time of registration, less any late or administrative fees.
– Refund will be pro-rata if services have been rendered in the form of individual or team participation at the time of the request.
– A non-refundable fee of $200 is required with all team registrations.
Please notify SportsPleX with any questions, or concerns.
SportPleX Privacy Policy
SportsPleX recognizes that the privacy of your personal information is important. This notice explains to you what personal information SportsPleX collects about you and or other family member and how that information is used. This notice also explains how this personal information is kept safe and secure from improper disclosure or use.
SportsPleX limits its request for information to what is required for us to fulfill our services. Such personal information could include:
Home Address | Home/Work telephone numbers | E-mail address | Credit Card #
SportsPleX will share your personal information internally with those staff members who would be responsible for fulfilling your request. Generally, SportsPleX will keep your personal information as long as it needs in order to fulfill the purpose for which it was collected.

CURRENT OFFICE HOURS: Monday, Wednesday, Friday 10:30am-2:00pm. Tuesday, Thursday, Friday evenings 30 minutes before first games (usually around 5:30 pm) until last game of the night. Saturday and Sunday from 30 minutes before first games (usually 8am until last game of the night)
l-675 at State Route 444 (Exit # 24) 5447 Intrastate Drive Fairborn, Ohio 45324
I-675 at State Route 444 (Exit # 24)
5447 Intrastate Drive
Fairborn, Ohio 45324
Email: Click Here
Telephone: 937.878.7270